Fundraising Ideas

Hat Day
Students pay $1 or $2 to get a stamp/sticker which grants them the privilege to wear a hat for the day.

Penny Drive
Students collect pennies to donate. Create a competition between the classes and have a prize for the team that collects the most pennies. Prize could include: extra recess, pizza party, lunch hour movie & popcorn, free gym time, etc..
Alternatives: Instead of limiting the collection to pennies, have students collect nickles, dimes, and quarters. Each day of the week, students could be encouraged to bring in a different coin and the winners could be announced on the fifth day.

Candy Grams
Over lunch hour, have students sell candy-grams for $1 or $2. Allow the buyer to write a little message to send along with the candy.
Have students deliver the candy grams to the recipients on a specified day. Candy could include chocolate hearts at Valentine's Day, Candy Canes at Christmas, Chocolate Eggs at Easter, etc

Pie Throw Raffle
Get staff and administrators to volunteer to have a whip cream pie thrown in their face. Sell 25 cent raffle tickets to students. At a school assembly, draw the winning ticket to see which students get to throw the pies.

At sports games or tournaments, set up a canteen and sell snacks to the spectators.

Organize a community BBQ one day after school.